In order to deposit your research in WRaP you must own the copyright for your work yourself or have permission from the copyright holder(s).**
You should check your publishing agreement to see what your publisher's standard conditions allow. Wherever possible it is recommended that the agreement is checked before signing and permission obtained to deposit the article in WRaP if it is not allowed under the publisher's standard conditions.
- The majority of publishers will allow you to upload your pre-print or Author Accepted Manuscript, often referred to as the AAM (submitted version prior to peer review / editing).
- Many publishers will allow you to upload the author-created version of the post-print (accepted version after peer review / editing).
- Most publishers will not allow their published version of the post-print (publisher formatted version often known as 'Version of Record' or VOR) to be uploaded.
If you are unsure:
- Check the copyright agreement you made with your publisher or
- Check the publisher's Open Access policy on Jisc's Open Policy Finder tool (the replacement for SherpaRomeo)
- Contact WRaP staff at if you need further help.
** These FAQs provide guidelines and should not be relied upon as a source of legal advice.