Answered By: Sarah Purcell
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2024     Views: 8678

When discussing a school policy in an assignment or presentation, you may need to use an appendix to ensure anonymity. An appendix is a separate section at the end of your work, or a slide in a presentation, which includes the specific example or extract of a document you are discussing in your writing (not usually the whole document). You might also use an appendix for classroom-related documents, such as children's work.

You should anonymise the document by removing any identifying details such as school names or pupil names. In your writing, you would state (see Appendix 1) instead of referencing the work in the usual way. 

Key points:

  • It is not necessary to include a whole policy or document, particularly if it is long. Try to include only the extract(s) which are relevant to your discussion.
  • Your appendix (or appendices if more than one) should be given a title e.g. Appendix 1School A: Behaviour management policy
  • The appendix usually appears after the reference list, but ask your tutors if you are unsure.
  • If you are including a policy as an appendix, it does not need to appear in your reference list.
  • Words in the title pages, reference list and appendices are not normally included in the final word count. See the University Assessment Policy, section 5, for further information.

If in doubt, check with your tutors. For example, we are aware that some courses allow a school policy that has been published online to be referenced as a normal website when not being discussed in relation to a student placement. Your tutor will provide clear guidance on whether this is the case for your course.