Answered By: Kathryn Devine
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2024     Views: 43774

In an edited book, individual authors each contribute a chapter. The final publication is overseen by the editor(s), and their name(s) will be on the front cover of the book. 

When you cite one of the chapters in an edited book in your text, you must cite the author(s) of that chapter, not the editor of the book. For the entry in your reference list, follow the guidance below, which you will also find in your Harvard guide. Make sure you include the page range of the chapter you are citing.  

If you use more than one chapter from the edited book, you will need to include a reference on your reference list for each chapter you have used. 

Most courses use Harvard style from Cite Them Right. A chapter in an edited book should be referenced using the following format:

Surname, Initial. (year) Chapter title’, in Initial, Surname (ed.) Book title. Place of publication: publisher, page range of chapter.



Carter, L. (2019) 'Communication skills in difficult situations', in K. Norman (ed.) Communication skills for nursing and healthcare students. Banbury: Lantern, pp. 66-82. 

In text citation: (Carter, 2019) or Carter (2019)

Lillis, T.M. and Swann, J. (2003) ‘Giving feedback on student writing’, in C. Coffin et al. (eds) Teaching academic writing: a toolkit for higher education. London: Routledge, pp. 101-129.

In text citation: (Lillis and Swann, 2003) or Lillis and Swann (2003)



Comments (4)

  1. Thank you for the information
    by Mee on Sep 03, 2022
  2. Thank you for the information
    by Mee on Sep 03, 2022
  3. but what if the date of the original article which forms the chapter e.g 1957 is different to the publication date of the edited book e.g 2020. Which date is used?
    by ric on Jun 15, 2024
  4. Thank you for your question. We would recommend using the original publication date of the chapter in your in text citation and at the beginning of your reference. Then, include the words "Reprinted in" before giving the full details of the book, and include the year the book itself was published. So: Author, A. (Year originally published) ‘Chapter title’, Reprinted in A. Editor (ed. or eds for more than one) (Year book was published) Book title in italics. Nth edition (if later than 1st). Place of publication: Publisher, page range.
    by Kathryn Devine on Jun 17, 2024