Answered By: Sarah Purcell
Last Updated: Nov 06, 2024     Views: 1423

The Cite Them Right website includes guidance on how to cite learning support materials and tutors' lecture notes in VLEs. Both are available in the category for Learning environments and online support (Harvard > Digital material). For styles other than Harvard, please refer to your official guidance for that style.

If you are unsure about any of the reference details, including author and date, you may need to ask your tutor to provide further information. If you are intending to reference a lecture Powerpoint, you might be expected to locate and read the original source for yourself and cite that, rather than the tutor's slides.

Your lectures and related discussions and materials are usually intended as an introduction or 'starter for ten' on a topic. When you aren't in lectures, you should be reading more widely about the topics you've covered. That reading then informs your learning and any formative and summative tasks you need to write or present.