There are a number of different Parliamentary record formats listed on the Cite Them Right website - browse to Category Legal - Official records of Parliament for your chosen referencing style.
Links to Harvard guidance include:
- Hansard ('record of debate, speeches, oral and written answers/statements and Westminster Hall discussions' - available to search online)
- House of Commons and House of Lords papers - these include author, date, title, a paper number in brackets, finishing with place and publisher, OR URL/date of access if online. See also Publications and records on the UK Parliament website.
- House of Commons Library reports - again, these include author, date, title, series title and report number in brackets, then place/publisher OR URL/date of access if online. See also House of Commons Library website.
Example House of Commons committee paper:
Parliament. House of Commons. (2023) Policing Priorities: fifth report of Session 2022-23 (HC 635). Available at: (Accessed: 25 January 2024).