Answered By: Sarah Purcell
Last Updated: Feb 27, 2025     Views: 1816

This guidance relates to Cite Them Right Harvard style.

Only provide a web address (URL) and date of access in a journal article reference if:

  • it doesn't have a DOI; and
  • no login is needed to access the article (it is freely available online so the link would work for your reader).

The Cite Them Right Online webpage for referencing a journal article in Harvard style states the following:

"Ensure you provide enough bibliographic information for the article to be located by the reader. Note that because the DOI is the permanent identifier for the source, it is not necessary to include an accessed date."

Journal article with doi reference example:

Bebchuk, L.A. et al. (2020) 'Dancing with activists', Journal of Financial Economics, 137(1), pp. 1-41. Available at:

Journal article with URL reference example:  

Kuperman, A., Aladjem, R. and Dagan, O. (2022) 'From 3D to 2D: drawing documentation and reflection processes by young children', Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 27(2), pp. 6-23. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2022).