Answered By: Alison Taylor
Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025     Views: 52

The age for a source to be considered 'too old' depends on the field of study and the type of research you are doing.

Things to consider:

  • What does your assignment brief say? If a date range is specified, then stick to it.
  • Some fields evolve rapidly. New discoveries or technological changes can quickly make older research out of date.
  • Social trends, laws, policies, and behaviours can change over time, but some remain relevant for decades or longer.
  • Classic studies, key papers, or theories can be relevant regardless of age, and are often referred to in later works.
  • Historical texts, original works of literature, and philosophy are useful in some subject areas, again, regardless of age.

Any work can become outdated if new evidence or methodologies emerge.

In a nutshell:

  • Stay current: Prioritize recent publications when dealing with rapidly evolving fields.
  • Use older sources that have enduring influence or foundational value.

We recommend the APA advice on outdated sources.