Want to reference a video you found on You Tube? If you are using Harvard, shows you how. If you are using APA look at the .
Example in Harvard format:
University of Worcester Library Services (2020) How to put your reference list in alphabetical order. 31 March. Available at: https://youtu.be/qj3Zl4vPvGs?si=Z7kXKECj8V3qt9qx (Accessed: 29 January 2025).
Example in APA format:
University of Worcester Library Services. (2020, March 31). How to put your reference list in alphabetical order [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/qj3Zl4vPvGs?si=Z7kXKECj8V3qt9qx
In text citations
The in-text citation in both Harvard and APA would be as follows for the above reference:
Parenthetical citation: (University of Worcester Library Services, 2020)
Narrative Citation: University of Worcester Library Services (2020)
Finding the date of upload on You Tube
In the notes under the video on the You Tube platform you will often see a note to saying that a video was uploaded e.g. 4 years ago. To see an accurate date of upload , click on that time period (i.e. the 4 years ago, or 3 months ago, or whatever is showing on the video you wish to reference).

Cite Them Right Online also shows how to reference films, streaming services, screencasts, and vodcasts in Harvard format. The APA style blog shows how to reference film and television, and videos hosted on other platforms such as Instagram.