Answered By: Site Admin
Last Updated: Apr 22, 2020     Views: 1722

‘Gold’ Open Access:  This describes Open Access Publishing, whereby an author publishes an article in an open access journal that provides immediate free and full open access to all of its articles on the publisher’s website. These journals generate revenue by alternative mechanisms including collecting publication fees from authors, their funding bodies or their institutions and web advertising.  Some traditional subscription journals offer a hybrid model whereby an author can pay a fee to make an article open access, but other content in the same journal is only accessible by subscription.

‘Green’ Open Access:   Also known as ‘self-archiving’, under this model authors publish in any journal and then self-archive a version of their article for free public use in their institutional repository, in a central repository (e.g. PubMed Central, SSRN or arXiv) or on some other open access website.  The version deposited (e.g. publisher’s PDF, peer-reviewed postprint, or in some cases a preprint) depends on the publisher’s self-archiving policies, and frequently involves an embargo period during which the full text of the article is not available from the repository.