Answered By: Sarah Purcell
Last Updated: May 15, 2023     Views: 21271

Use a webpage format, following the Cite Them Right Harvard style. 


In-text citation:

Ofsted (2019) 

(Ofsted, 2019)


Reference list:

Ofsted (YYYY) Document title. Available at: URL (Accessed: day month year).


If you need to cite the Ofsted report anonymously, take a look at our FAQ on using appendices

Comments (2)

  1. Please can you advise how the reference should look in your reference list if you need to keep the Ofsted report anonymous?
    by Kate on Feb 20, 2022
  2. I would have a look at the FAQ on using an Appendix. In brief - you could add the relevant extract of the report into an Appendix at the end of your work, making sure it is anonymised. In your writing, you can then state 'see Appendix 1' or similar when discussing that Ofsted report. This negates the need to reference it specifically.
    by Sarah on Feb 21, 2022